About Our Firm

Park and VanDijk officially opened their doors in 2005 after an almost 20 year old vision took shape. It all started when Eric and Hans met in law school at the University of Nebraska. The two quickly became friends as each of them determined they were both grounded, hard-working individuals who had a desire to one day return and work to their home state of New Mexico. In between exams and working to pay for law school, the two often talked about opening a practice together. Over the years, they slowly developed a plan to serve the community while enjoying the unique life provided by New Mexico's diverse culture and landscape.

Their dream temporarily came to an end after graduation as both Eric and Hans accepted jobs at large law firms. The draw of experience combined with higher salaries was too much for young passionate graduates who desired to make a difference and pay off their school loans.

The years passed and both Eric and Hans prospered within their respective firms. Then an illness of a common friend in New Mexico brought the two back to the land of enchantment. While enjoying a meal of green chile enchiladas, they reminisced on their college days and their desire to move back to New Mexico. The discussion piqued their interest in their old idea of opening a firm in Albuquerque. The discussion spawned action and two quickly began discussing the idea with their families and putting together a business plan.

Then in May of 2005, the long hours of planning came to fruition when Park and VanDijk opened their doors. Eric and Hans are proud of the law firm they have built and take pride in the service they provide to their community. Now with over 1500 clients and 1800 cases handled, Park and VanDijk has established itself as one of the top law firms in the state. Not to mention they were recently awarded the prestigious Gustov R. Erickson service award for their pro bono charity work.

The years have passed, but Eric and Hans’s commitment to upholding the law and providing for the community hasn’t’ changed. If you are ever in need of legal services or advice, stop by and you will soon understand what makes Park and VanDijk special.

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Areas of Practice


Have a case that needs resolving?

Give us the facts and we’ll take care of the rest.

Services Offered

Real Estate

At Park and VanDijk we believe that the customary practice of using only a real estate agent is insufficient. The most important document in a real estate transaction is the purchase contract. Your real estate attorney is your best resource for the drafting and reviewing of your contract. This process allows you to ensure that the transaction you desire is the one that you have actually made.

Non Profit Organizations

Park and vanDijk have a long history of serving the community and assisting businesses whose sole purpose is to help others. We provide guidance on a large range of issues from tax liability, organizational structure and charitable contributions. We possess the skills and knowledge required to handle these complex matters.

Health Care Law

The complexity of today's health care system can easily be overwhelming for almost anyone. We strive to simplify the legal issues surrounding health care by law serving a broad spectrum of the health care industry throughout New Mexico. Park and vanDijk specialize in long term care, medical malpractice, and nursing home abuse.

Estate Planning

We believe every individual can benefit from designating an individual to manage your assets if you ever become unable to do so for yourself. We offer services to meet this goal in areas such as last will and testaments, power of attorneys, revocable living trusts and estate administration. We strive to create an environment beneficial to all parties involved by focusing on planning early on to avoid costly mistakes.


Satisfied Clients


Motions Filed


Cases Won



Our Team of Lawyers


Eric Park

Co-Founder Eric is the co-founder and leader of our business development and outreach programs. Eric has a passion to identify new businesses in need of legal assistance and guide them through their legal challenges.

Eric graduated Cum Laude from the University of Nebraska College of Law. Eric is a member of both the Texas and New Mexico trial lawyers' associations and an avid supporter of public service for families in need.

Eric enjoys a variety of the outdoor adventures that New Mexico provides. When not working, you can find Eric mountain biking, hunting, fishing, and enjoying the company of friends and family.

Hans vanDijk


Hans is a skilled senior trial attorney with extensive civil and commercial litigation experience. Hans' countless hours spent in a courtroom have provided him with the experience needed to handle the multitude of cases handled by Park and vanDijk.

After graduating from the University of Nebraska College of Law, Hans took a position at Hammerschmidt and Flanagan in Ohio. Those years went by like a blur as Hans learned the intricies of civil litigation by representing clients from numerous fields. His court room successes paid off as he worked his way up to become a partner and owner of a local title company.

Hans prospered in Ohio, but never let go of his dream to move back to his home of New Mexico and work with Eric Park. Hans acted on this dream in 2005 and hasn't looked back since.

When not in a courtroom, Hans enjoys watching courtroom dramas including To Kill a Mockingbird, A few Good Men, and My Cousin Vinny. Hans is also a mentor at the New Mexico Young Actors inc., active with the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and a competitive three gun shooter.

Lee Ingstrom

Health Care Law

Lee joined Park and vanDijk in early 2009 after a successful career at Advokatfellesskapet Salomon Johansen in Norway. Lee has specialized in health care law for over 25 years, but his passion started long before his formal education.

Unfortunately, Lee witnessed a close family friend who moved to the US struggle with finances while attempting to pay for the medical treatments she desperately needed. Lee used this event as motivation while attending the University of Oslo and ultimately at Loyola University in Chicago. Lee, a true scholar, frequented the dean's list and led the law review.

Lee still enjoys the sports of his heritage including handball, skiing and football not to mention his love of Surstromming.


Susan Tea

Insurance Attorney

Susan is a board-certified attorney who started her life in the medical field. Susan spent her early adulthood working on ambulances and becoming a paramedic. She loved the profession, but quickly learned the complex world of medical insurance frequently limited care.

These experiences pushed Susan towards her second love, the law. Susan went to night school to attain her bachelors and ultimately earned a full scholarship to attend law school at the University of Virginia. Shortly thereafter, Susan scored an almost perfect score on the Uniform Bar Exam placing her in the top 5% of all new graduates.

Susan stayed in Virginia for several years and practiced insurance law at Dempsey & Zerbst where she became a partner. Susan then accepted a position at Park and vanDijk in late 2018 and has prospered ever since.

In her free time, Susan is an active participant in the community acting as the head of the Kiwanis club and a member of the professional ethics committee for the state of New Mexico.

How to Reach Us

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401 Lomas Blvd NW suite 201
Albuquerque, NM 87102